Thursday, March 1, 2012

Day 150 Darn Sweets

Exercise: SPIN CLASS today. Burned 598 calories. Did a lot of uphill work with lots of resistance. Great opportunity to relieve stress! Spinning is a must try! 

Couldn't aviod the chocolate bundt cake that was in the teacher's lounge today! Was working on a project all morning and failed to eat my apple slices, therefore, I ate 2 slices of cake! Allowing myself to get hungry was the mistake.

Breakfast: 2 corn tortillas with one egg and mixed greens, green tea
Snack: 2 slices of chocolate cake!
Lunch: leftovers- extra lean hamburger meat with picante sauce over quinoa. Topped with pineapple, tomato, avacado, corn, onion homemade salsa. Broccoli. Water
Snack: none
Dinner: Too tired to cook. Peanut butter sandwich, plain Greek yogurt with pineapples and one strawberry.
Snack: vanilla soy milk, few walnuts and a strawberry.

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