Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Day 162 Day One In Corpus Christi

None: Spent time on the road driving to Corpus Christi to visit my parents. Arrived too late to get out and exercise.

Breakfast: Egg on 1/2 bread, pineapple
Snack: vanilla soy milk with no sugar cocoa (my version of hot chocolate).
Lunch: peanut butter sandwich, water  (if you haven't noticed..I've been eating way too much peanut butter sandwiches. This happens when I don't want to cook lunch).
Snack: On the road...stopped at McDonalds and got a crispy chicken sandwich with lettuce tomato and yes..mayo. Rats! Not much else you can find when driving in the middle of no where. Should have packed my lunch.
Dinner: Mom's meal: Wait until you see a picture when I get home. I may ask my hubby to put it on the blog for me since he is at home. I can't do it from my Dad's computer. The meal: little sweet potato, red pepper, green beans all wrapped in a piece of chicken on a skewer. Side of wheat pasta, avacado and a salad with the best homemade healthy dressing. Details in a few days and maybe a pic of the recipe.
Snack: plain yogurt with mixed berries...strawberries, blueberries, blackberries.

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