Sunday, March 11, 2012

Day 160: Bread Overload!!/Toning Poses

I'm not into yoga, but I do like to do the plank. Tones up the abs, waist and so much more if consistent.
Click Toning Poses

Okay, these open houses every weekend are going to be the death of me! I wish our townhome would rent already! I brought a little lunch to munch on during the open house, but ended up baking croissants and eating all 8 of them myself! Since our oven at home isn't working, I also baked a frozen cheese pizza and ate half of it! Bread overload! Feel as if all of my cells in my body are inflamed and exploding. In other words, I feel bloated and heavy. Maybe I should do some toning poses today. About to leave for evening mass. Sure hope I can find time to work out this evening!

Breakfast: 1 egg sandwich on whole grain bread, green tea
Snack: no sugar hot chocolate with cocoa in vanilla soy milk
Lunch: 8 croissants!
Snack: 1/2 an apple, water
Dinner: 1/2 of a frozen cheese pizza!
Snack: TBA Better eat some fruit later and drink lots of water!

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