Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Day 169: 40+ Slow Cooker Recipes

Exercise: Spin bike for 15 minutes. Burned 200 calories. Ran 2 miles on the tredmill and walked 1 mile on the tredmill. Burned 301 calories on the tredmill.

Click: Slow Cooker Recipes

Breakfast: one boiled egg sandwich in whole grain bread.
Snack: couple slices of apples, water
Lunch: 1/2 salmon, broccoli, pinto beans, strawberries in some plain Greek yogurt
Snack: one tiny snickers candy (bite size) and one hershey kiss candy
Snack later: ate the rest of my lunch...1/2 sweet potato, more pinto beans, a packaged hot chocolate with sugar in water (from work)
Dinner: salad with tomatoes, avacados and chicken, lentil soup with veggies, water...still hungry...peanut butter sandwich

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