Friday, March 9, 2012

Day 157: Sweet Tomatoes Restaurant

Exercise: None

Click Sweet Tomatoes Restaurant

After work I tutored a math student. From there I had about an hour and a 1/2 to burn because I needed to be back at work for a 6pm meeting. Decided to meet my hubby at Sweet Tomatoes to kill some time. Sweet Tomatoes can be healthy or it can be unhealthy depending on what you order. They have a wonderful huge buffet of delicious greens, veggies, nuts, fruits, soups, pastas, breads, and desserts. Being hungry, I could have selected better items.

Breakfast: scrambled eggs in 2 whole grain breads
Snack: apple
Lunch: 1 cookie during a meeting, strawberries, salmon and sweet potoatoes (my broccoli fell on the floor)
Dinner: Salad with olive oil, small piece of cheese bread, turkey chili with beans, a chocolate muffin and 2 chocolate chip cookies. Yikes! Water.

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