Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Day 330 Healthy Chicken Cucumber Yogurt Recipe

Exercise: Walked/Ran at Memorial Park. Mainly walked. 97 degrees this evening. So humid. Used to the tredmill at the gym. Difficulty getting used to running at the park again. I can't believe how much harder it is in the heat vs. the cool gym! I need to practice at that park more to prepare for the "Firefly Run!" 

Ready for a cool grilled chicken with cucumber recipe surprise? Check this out: Chicken Recipe website
I'm going to try this out this weekend.
Breakfast: 1 boiled egg, 1/4 cup oatmeal with milled flax and rice and vanilla soymilk, frozen blueberries, green tea
Snack: green grapes, 1/2 peanut butter sandwich, water
Lunch:  Subway sandwich: grilled chicken, spinach leaves, tomatoes, cucumbers, , pickles, olives, banana peppers, water
Snack: apple slices, small orange
Early Dinner (4pm): peanut butter sandwich on spouted bread (new bread that Vince bought) Very tastey!
Very late Dinner (9pm): salad with spinach, mixed greens, tomatoes, green onion, red onion, radishes, avacado, cheese, olive oil and spices, water

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