Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Day 316 Gardening

Exercise: Really wanted to exercise! Swamped at work and had Toastmasters tonight. No exercise!  : ( 

Smoothie of the Day: Bummer...didn't have time to make one. Working on a presentation!!

Vince and I finished landscaping the townhome he is going to sell. He put in all the sod in the front year and I planted the flowers. Sore hamstring muscles after all that.

Working hard to pretty up the place.
Breakfast: 1 boiled egg, 1/4 cup oatmeal, green tea, frozen blueberries
Snack: apple slices, water
Lunch: fish with mushrooms, broccoli, cauliflower, carrots (my sweet potato was rotten so threw it out)
Snack: whole carrot, water
Snack: vanilla soymilk unsweetened cocoa
Dinner: Stressed: grilled cheese sandwich, salad
with greens, tomatoes, and orange bell peppers.
Snack: grapes, strawberries, raspberries in yougurt, peanut butter sandwich.

End result. Can't wait until they grow.



Fun hot pepper plant.

Must be a walking stick bug.
Interesting critter.

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