Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Day 322 Sleep

Exercise: None. Working very late, Toastmaster meeting and preparing for a big speech for tomorrow. Not proud of this weeks lack of exercise.

Got very little sleep last night and for the past few days. Did you know that sleep deprivation can cause you to gain weight? Yes! Your body needs lots of sleep to stay healthy. Adults need 7-9 hours of sleep!!

Want to improve your mood?  SLEEP
Want to lose weight? SLEEP
Want to have more energy? SLEEP
Want to live longer? SLEEP
Want to improve your memory? SLEEP
Want to help your heart? SLEEP

Check out this site:  Benefits of Sleep 

Breakfast: 1 boiled egg, 1/4 cup oatmeal, green tea
Snack: a whole carrot, grapes
Lunch: hamburger from Sonic, water (no time for lunch so had to eat on the run in the car!!)
Dinner: grapes and plain Greek yogurt (no time for dinner)
Midnight: 1 boiled egg and 1/2 an avacado.

Had to eat a burger in the car on the way to a meeting. No choice.

Home after 6pm and on my way to Toastmasters. No time
for a real dinner.

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