Sunday, August 19, 2012

Day 321 For Sale Sign Went Up!

Exercise: None, unless you count house chores. Spent most of the day cleaning the townhome Vince is selling. Mopping, washing windows, sweeping.

As of 7pm tonight....For Sale sign went up! Yippeeeee! Vince and I are happy campers. Several people went over and are already interested. Wow, someone just called about it as I typed this sentence. Such a relief to have the townhome complete and ready to sell.

Breakfast: 1 boiled egg, 1/4 cup oatmeal, pineapple, green tea
Snack: unsweetened cocoa in rice milk and vanilla soy milk
Lunch: peanut butter sandwich, water
Dinner: veggies, chicken, salad, grapes
Snack: Starbucks marble pound cake slice.
Snack: 1 boiled egg, water before bed

Went to Starbucks to get some work done. Kept getting side tracked at home. Felt like I had to get something since I was there. Looking forward to running at the gym tomorrow!

Dinner: avacado, carrot, mixed greens, cauliflower, squash,
broccoli, green beans, chicken, water, grapes

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