Saturday, August 18, 2012

Day 319 Losing Weight Again

(Friday, August 17th)
Exercise: Ran at the gym, arm and back weights.

Clothes starting to get lose again. Must be from the step up in running. Really enjoying the runs. Get so much energy after a long hard day! I don't know what I would do now without exercising and trying to eat well. I feel like a different person than I was a year ago. The exercise is truly a part of who I am now. I don't "MAKE" myself exercise. I WANT to exercise! I never thought I would be at this point. Yes, I eat deserts at times, but fatty foods and desserts just aren't hard to pass up anymore. I pass them up because I want to or I eat them because I choose to. I don't feel as if I need them anymore.
The secret to my success: As long as I have a big breakfast, drink plenty of water throughout the day and eat healthy meals, I honestly do not crave all the other things. I even think better and can stay more focused when I eat better and exercise. Throw in a good night sleep and I am good to go!!

Breakfast: organic raspberries, eggs with spinach,
green tea

Snacks: apples, grapes, 1 carrot

Lunch: Mexican restaurant with Karen and Dorothy.
Had 2 corn tortilla tacos with chicken, lettuce, tomato,
did have some corn chips and salsa this time, water, about
5 Peanut M&Ms from the little candy machine.

Late Night Snack: peanut butter sandwich.
I think I am addicted to them. Must be a bad habit. 

Early Dinner: Subway sandwich.
The meats are processed and not
healthy. I was hungry so I made
a bad choice! Usually I get the
grilled chicken at Subway. 

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