Sunday, August 26, 2012

Day 327 Whole Foods Market

Exercise: Ran 1.5 miles and walked .5 miles. Some leg weights.

Went to Whole Foods Market today in search of gluten free pizza crust for Vince. Turns out it has egg whites in it, which he is allergic to. It also has corn syrup! Don't eat corn syrup. Ended up eating dinner there. They have the best buffet full of interesting healthy foods as well as different ethnic foods. I always like to try different things.

On a different note, see the new recipe in the pic below. The recipe is on the previous day blog on the video. They use shrimp instead of the salmon.
Hollow out a cucumber. Put salmon and pico de gallo
mixture in it on a bed of spinach leaves.
Pico: diced tomatoes, red onions, little lemon juice, cilantro,
cumin spice, salt and pepper (let sit for a day)

From Whole Foods Store: Orzo with tomatoes, some yellow rice,
mushrooms, some Indian dish that I loved, avacado with edemame mixture.

Some of the items in the buffet

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