Saturday, June 30, 2012

Day 271 Watermelon Recipes

Exercise: Had a GREAT Spin Bike class this morning! Burned so many calories.

Try these great watermelon recipes! Great for summer treats!

Breakfast: 1 boiled egg, 1/4 cup oatmeal, green tea, frozen blueberries.
Lunch: glutten free pasta with tomatoes and mushrooms, mixed veggies, corn, chicken, 1/2 carrot, water
Snack: unsweetened cocoa in vanilla soymilk, some raw unsalted almonds
Snack later: Special K granola bar (purchased for a trip, but eating it now...woops).
Dinner: salad with cucumbers, tomatoes, leafy greens, chicken, 1/2 sweet potato, water
Snack: 2 wedges of watermelon.

Yum! Here is how I eat
watermelon. Just bite right
into it.

Vince uses a spoon and makes
cute little round watermelon

Ate 1/2 of this.
This pic is really from
yesterday. Had the
leftovers today.


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