Exercise: none (preparing for a speech and worked late)
I must say, I am quite stressed at work this week! Finish this, complete the project, one more week to go! I do love the group I have worked with since last week. What a fun bunch, but we have so much due in so little time. I think I am stress eating. I wanted so badly to run to Whataburger after work today and came very close! Somehow I withstood the temptation. Hmmm, now I want one again just thinking about it. Is there no end to wanting burgers? LOL
Watered the "friends" today. (new plants in garden). Really enjoying it.
Breakfast: 1 boiled egg, 1/4 cup oatmeal, green tea, blueberries
Snack: bitesize Babyruth candy bar from work! Small granola square with dark chocolate, lots of mixed nuts all from work.
Lunch: Chicken Subway sandwich with lots of spinach leaves, tomato, cucumber, olives, banana peppers, salt, pepper, oil and vinegar, water
Dinner: 2 corn tortilla tacos with a boiled egg and mixed greens, grapes, water
Snack: 1/2 peanut butter sandwich because I'm addicted to them for some reason!!
Work has been stressful this week!!!! :(