Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Day 268 Southern Charm Cherry Cobbler!!! (Super Healthy)

Exercise: Elliptical machine at the gym, arm weights, the peanut ball ab floor exercises.

On the elliptical maching
Hopped on the elliptical today and loved it again! Enjoy pretending I'm running really fast! LOL Did I just admit that? Since my "IT" band is still healing, I'm not running at the park much.

Cherry Cobbler to die for!
I found my healthy desserts!!  (Check out the video). My husband and I did get organic veggies and fruits from Kristina a while back when she still had her business at her home. Now of course she is "big time" and has coops, videos, is on FOX tv and other shows like Great Day Houston. I just love all that she does.

Been off work a week now and noticed I quickly gained 3 pounds. If I look at my blog I see why. Getting back on track today with eating properly and more exercise just as if I was still working. Must have a schedule in order to stay on track.
Breakfast: 1 boiled egg, 1/4 cup oatmeal, green tea, frozen blueberries, water
Snack: wedge of cantaloupe
Lunch: mushrooms and sweet potatoes, zucchini, salmon on leafy green, water
Snack: vanilla soymilk with unsweetened cocoa. Later 1/2 grapefruit
Snack small orange, water, few raw almonds (unsalted)
Dinner: glutten free pasta with seaweed with squash, mushrooms, broccoli, some Alaskan wild caught salmon, water
Back to the healthy meals.

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