Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Day 261 What Are Foam Roller Exercises?

Exercise: None. Resting my leg.

Bought a foam roller to massage and stretch my hips and thigh muscles and to increase flexibility in muscle tissue. It hurts like crazy, but I know it is working. From the website, "The deep tissue massage from the direct pressure of rolling over these trigger points also aids in the breakdown of fibrous scar tissue that can build up in injured or tight muscles. Breaking down this scar tissue will increase the flexibility and pliability of the muscle. The deep massage may also result in a localized increase in blood flow that will help to flush excess metabolites and toxins from the area."

Read more: FOAM ROLLER INFO and VIDEO. Years ago I pulled my IT band and was told by physical therapists to use the roller, but I never did. After a recent injury, Laurie mentioned it to me. I bought it today and am very excited about making progress.

Breakfast: 1/4 oatmeal, green tea
Lunch: sweet potatoes, quinoa with red bell peper with tomatoes, broccoli, chicken, water
Snack: watermelon, almonds and vanilla soy  milk with unsweetened cocoa later.
Dinner: left over lean turkey meat with canned tomatoes.

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