Saturday, June 2, 2012

Day 241 Last Day For The Students

Exercise: Spin class. Burned 664 calories this evening and feel great!

Today was the last day for the students at work. They left 1/2 day so we were able to go out to eat. Ate at Cafe Adobe Mexican Restaurant. Very fattening meal.

Breakfast: 1 boiled egg, 1/4 cup oatmeal, black tea, some pineapple
Snack: those orange peanut butter crackers (packaged)
Lunch: one bite of a cookie, fajitas from Cafe Adobe. Had 4 flour tortillas! Chicken with refried beans, avacado, tomatoes, onions, cheese. No rice. Water. What a fattening meal.
Snack: none
Dinner: Still full from the large lunch. Ate a grapefruit.

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