Monday, June 4, 2012

Day 245 The Summer Work Begins!

Exercise: None  : (
My summer work hours are 7:30am to 5:30pm. Sitting all day working on Languarge Arts Curriculum. Starring at the computer. Then I tutor afterward. Legs sore from yesterdays workout. Need to move around, but can't. Not burning any calories today. Just ate 4 dark chocolate Hershey kisses. There are bowls filled with candies here. Desperately wanting to go to the park to walk. I can justs smell the outdoors!

Later in evening....well, just getting home at 7pm. Won't be doing any walking today. About to eat and need to practice a speech for tomorrow. Where does the day go??!!

Breakfast: 1 boiled egg, 1/4 cup oatmeal
Snack: too many bite size candies while working on curriculum writing. Stress snacking!
Lunch: went to Cafe Express with a group. Salad with cheese, pesto pasta, pinenuts, chicken salad, tuna, tomatoes, and some dressing, side of small beef chili bowl, water.
Dinner: chicken, broccoli, greenbeans, squash, brown rice and quinoa mixture, chicken wontons, water.

May look healthy, but it IS NOT! From a restaurant. Lots of
added calories in the dressings, oils, cheese, mayo in the chicken
and tuna I'm sure. High calorie meal. RATS! I'll have to go home
for lunch tomorrow for sure! Can't do this everyday!

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