Sunday, June 17, 2012

Day 258: New Pasta Dish

Exercise: Raked, pulled and cleaned out weeds this morning for 1.5 hours. Great exercise and gets the heart pumping.

Working on a new section of the backyard. Phase one was to just begin to clean out the weeds. Doing a little each day. Not sure where I'm going with all this yet.


Phase 1: The Clearing Phase

Thinking, "I really don't know what
I am doing!"

Breakfast: 1 boiled egg, 4 strips of turkey bacon in a multi-grain bread, green tea, vanilla soymilk mixed with unsweetened cocoa.
Snack: 2 dried figs, water
Lunch: wakame (seaweed) pasta with mixed veggies and orange bell peppers, chicken with rosemary.

Made up a new recipe for lunch. Layer the ingredients.
Bottom Layer: Seaweed noodles. Add pepper, salt and olive oil
Middle Layer: throw on sliced orange bell peppers, tons of cut tomatoes.
Top Layer: chicken with seasoning and rosemary.

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