Sunday, June 10, 2012

Day 251: Our First Garden Complete!

Exercise: Gardening outdoors.

Our little gardening project is making progress. Finished the planters, added in bark mulch, trimmed the backyard bushes and finished planting the plants.Wish I had chosen more color, but the little ones in the front will be ground cover and turn red soon. The Mexican Heather on the side will really spread out and the middle plants will have purple flowers in the summer and fall. Plan to trim my rosemary bush to look like a small Christmas tree. (if it makes it...I've already cut some rosemary off of it to cook with).

Our new colladiums in the
backyard planter.

Hoping they will look like this someday!

The "Before"

The "After" Our First Flower Garden!  : )

Vince discovered an old
rotted pipe beneath the soil!

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Breakfast: 2 scrambled eggs with red onion and kale mixed in all in a corn tortilla with some tomatoes and 1/4 avacado, green tea. Yum!
Snack: 1/2 peanut butter sandwich
Lunch: 3 bean soup with quinoa, broccoli in chicken stock, salad, blueberries, slice of pineapple and 1/2 carrot.
Snack: 1/2 peanut butter sandwich, vanilla soymilk with unsweetend cocoa
Dinner: 3 bean soup again, but added rice noodles, quinoa, mixed veggies
Bad Dessert: one scoop chocolate ice-cream cone from Baskin Robbins.


Lunch and Dinner

1 comment:

  1. Looking good! 191 more feet around the house to go! Trish and Becky were inspiring after seeing how hard they worked.
