Sunday, June 24, 2012

Day 265 Purchased: Restore Exercise Ball

Exercise: None
Bought the Restore Peanut Ball to engage and tighten my abs more during exercise. Watched the video and tried out the exercises. Will continue for a couple weeks to see if there is a difference. Seems a bit too easy. Maybe I'll be proven wrong. Peanut Ball The reviews seem positive so I'm hoping for the best. You can get it at Academy for under $10.

Breakfast: 2 corn tortillas with egg omelet. Omelet had squash, red onion, mixed leafy greens. Green tea, pineapple.
Snack: cottage cheese, cantaloupe wedge
Lunch: OMG! My snack didn't agree with my stomach. Sick soon after. Ate crackers and PowerAide drink after for lunch.
Dinner: small vegetable pizza: red onions, mushrooms, cheese, olives, green bell pepper, water
Snack: 1/2 grapefruit



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