Saturday, January 7, 2012

Day 97 Raking The Yard Again

Didn't go to Spin class today for 2 reasons. My legs are very sore from lunges and the elliptical. In fact it kept me up some of the night off and on. Raked the yard again. The leaves are starting to blow into the neighbor's yard. My hubby won't be home most of the day so I decided to do it and get some exercise.
Burned 404 calories in 95 minutes raking.

You can see most of the yard covered
in leaves

1/2 of the yard done, but I think that is
all for today.
Forgot to mention that a couple nights ago I wanted something sweet. Sweet stuff no where to be found. I sucumed to opening a new can of chocolate frosting. Dipped a spoon in twice. Felt better.  : ) Again, the frosting is one of the great things left over from all the Christmas baking. I'm thinking about it again. Yikes! Better go grab some no sugar hot chocolate. That always stops my cravings!

Breakfast: 2 corn tortilla with scrambled eggs with spinach leaves and chopped green onions, little shredded cheddar cheese, green tea
Snack: no sugar hot chocolate with Flaxmilk
Lunch: Cod (fish), frozen veggies, red potato
Snack: frozen raspberries with plain Greek yogurt, blue agave and few walnuts
Dinner: Way too much garlic chicken alfredo pizza!

Tried some cod. Not sure how to cook it.
Added thyme, parsley, lemon peper, salt.
Would be better breaded.

We added spinach leaves to the pizza
to satisfy our need for a vegetable! ha
Vince and I went to Costo to get a box of extra thin crust pizza on sale. 3 pizzas for just over $8. I expected to have 2 slices and a great salad. Instead we found ourself gorging on not one, but 2 frozen pizzas! I had 6 slices and no salad. The horror.

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