Saturday, January 21, 2012

Day 111 Ate Too Much Out Of Town!!

Exercise: None!  Missing the workout badly!!

Visited the parents in Corpus Christi.  Ate way too many things I shouldn't have eaten.

Breakfast: 2 corn tortillas, scrambled eggs with green onion, tomatoes, spinach leaves, green tea
Snack: no sugar hot chocolate, few walnuts
Snack: On the road...chocolate pralaine with nuts. (purchased one for tomorrow too!)
Lunch: On the road...McDonalds!! Grilled Chicken sandwich, water
Snack: orange
Dinner: Gluten free/quinoa pasta with tiny meatballs and garlic pesto sauce with tomato and pecans. Sauce was made in the blender. Lots of olive oil in the sauce...way too many calories. Side of 1/2 an avacado.

Mom washing parsley.
4 cups in blender for
the sauce along with
3 cups olive oil, garlic,
pine nuts and tomato


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