Friday, January 20, 2012

Day 109:Meals for under $4! Weighed 129.6!!

Click on Healthy Meals

Exercise: Spin class Burned 574 calories in 40 minutes.

CELEBRATION!! Been years since I've been in the 120s (if you can call 129.6 being in the 120s) LOL My new goal is to weigh 125 and to continue to work on toning up and gaining muscle.
Breakfast: oatmeal with soy milk, raisins, few walnuts, boiled egg and green tea
Snack: apple, STARVING and at a workshop...ate their 2 mini bagels and 2 small brownies. RATS!
Lunch: 2 corn tortillas with chicken salad (with tomatoes, cucumbers, green onion), green beans, water
Snack: hot chocolate
Dinner: extra lean turkey meat, red potatos, frozen mixed veggies, water

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