Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Day 101 Near Flat Tire and Too Many Hot Dogs

Exercise: Ballys today. Elliptical machine for 53 minutes. Burned 452 calories.

Tire pressure kept getting low repeatedly. Found nail in tire. Ordered new one. Riding on my spare tire next couple days. Managed to workout while car was in the shop.

Lunch was provided for me since I was working on a different campus today. So grateful to not have to think about packing lunch for a change! Problem...ate too much and candy was available! I can't resist chocolate candy!
Breakfast: 2 corn tortillas, 2 boiled eggs, spinach leaves, green tea, few frozen blueberries.
Snack: None
Lunch: 6 breaded chicken strips, 1 bag of baked Lays potato chips, water
Snack:  About 6 bitesize choclate candies RATS!
Dinner: While at Costco dealing with the tire trials, I had 2 hot dogs with mustard, relish, and onions, five sips of Mr. Pibb. No, it isn't the same as Dr. Pepper even though people say it is!! Stomach hurts a bit. Not the best food for me anymore.

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