Monday, January 16, 2012

Day 105 Walking Around Houston..No Car

Walking to church...carless
Exercise: Car in the shop for hours. Vince and I walked to church, then to the mall and back to Costco to pick up my car. 2.7 mile walk outside. About 1 mile walk in the mall. 60 degrees and sunny. Great walking weather! 
Check out some temptations along our walk:

Chocolate store in the mall!
Passed it up.

Pastries and sweets at Starbucks.
Sucumbed to a mini chcolate donut
and a tall hot chocolate with no whip cream

Breakfast: 2 corn tortillas with scrambled egg with onions and mixed greens.
Lunch: At the mall waiting for car: Starbucks hot chocolate, mini chocolate donut
Dinner: new item: chicken with tumeric and spinach (packaged meal from Costco) Ingredients look okay. Also quinoa with brown rice, boccoli, mixed greens with sundried tomatoes. Later in evening I had a littel more chicken in a corn tortilla. Greek plain yogurt with frozen raspberries, frozen blueberries with a little blue agave as a sweetner.

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