Thursday, January 12, 2012

Day 102

Exercise: Went to Spin class, but only lasted 3 minutes. My thighs were just too sore from the elliptical the day before. You don't realize it until you get on that bike! Did arm, shoulder and back weights. Some ab exercises. Tried running again. Ran 2 miles on the tredmill. Burned 200 calories running.  Hard to not do spin class. Miss it.

Great news! There were some healthy snacks in the teacher's lounge today....grapes, oranges, carrots! Someone must have donated the healthy treats. Yum!
I added the fiber brownies that I bought to the teacher treats. They do something fierce to my stomach. Of course I did attach a warning note to the box, "Eat at your own risk!"

Breakfast: 1 egg in 2 corn tortillas with spinach leaves and green tea
Snack: red grapes, water
Snack: small orange, handful of cocoa powdered almonds, water
Lunch: salmon patty, mixed veggies and greenbeans, sweet potatoes, water
            strawberry cake with creamcheese frosting (celebrating a b-day at work)
Snack: almond butter sandwich, water
Dinner: see pic

Thank goodness that my husband cooked tonight.


  1. LOL about your fiber brownies! I'm right there with you - anything that advertises that it's fiber content as a selling point is sure to provoke some unwelcome responses from the gastro system...I think a warning should come standard on the package!

  2. I totally agree Laurie! Glad to get rid of them!
