Saturday, January 7, 2012

Day 96 Homemade Hamburger

Exercise: Woke up early and did 50 stomach crunches. Ran on elliptical machine for 1 hour. At 45 minutes it became difficult for me to keep the pace over 6.0. Went down to 4.0. Tired. Burned 528 calories.

Breakfast: 1/2 peanut butter sandwich, green tea
Snack: apple slices
Lunch: salmon patty, mixed veggies, no sugar hot chocolate
No Snack: working off campus
Dinner: homemade hamburger with spinach leaves, tomato, little shredded cheese, no corn syrup BBQ sauce, and yes... a little mayo, water, salad with cumumbers and tomatoes.

I really wanted a burger today. I told my husband we were going out for a burger when I got back from working out, but when I got home I didn't want to ruin all the calories I burned so we stayed home and watched a movie. The burger was great. Vince doesn't eat bread due to glutten intolerance so he had his own healthy meal.

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