Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Day 114: 5AM Workout!

Exercise: weights for 20 minutes/arms/abs/back, Spin class 30 minutes

Learned there was a 5:30am Spin Class. Had to do part of the workout on my own. The instructor didn't show up until 5:45am. I had to leave to get ready for work by 6am. I can see it would be easy to do early morning workouts if I went to work later. I have to be at work on or before 7:30AM so it is difficult.
Woke up at 4:40am. Never going to the gym early again! Done with it. Miss having green tea and breakfast with my husband in the morning. Took too long last night to get organized. Was a bit cranky and tired from yesterday's early workout. Had to go to bed at 8:30pm. Cuts into my evening giving me less time. Forget it!

Breakfast: green tea, boiled egg, 1/4 cup oatmeal with walnuts and soymilk
Snack: few cocoa powder covered almonds, apple
Lunch: salmon patty, 1/2 sweet potato, quinoa, water (forgot my veggies), orange
Snack: none
Dinner: Had a workshop after school to attend. Picked up a McDonalds hamburger on the way. STARVING. Didn't plan an extra snack today.

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