Thursday, January 26, 2012

Day 116: Ate Out For Our 1/2 Anniversary

Exercise: None AGAIN! Meeting after work and then celebration out.

Yes, we like to celebrate our 1/2 anniversary. I know that is corney. Going to Fratelli's restaurant this evening. My husband's friend is the owner. I love it. Great food and atmosphere. Nice party room if needed. Delicious Italian food! Fratelli's Restaurant. We go to the one at 1330 Wirt Road, which is smaller than the one pictured.

Breakfast: 1 corn tortilla with 1 boiled egg and mixed greens, green tea
Snack: no sugar hot chocolate with soy milk (been hearing bad things about soy products lately)
Snack: apple
Lunch: chicken, mixed veggies, salad with tomatoes and cucumbers, water. Just as I finished lunch someone brought in some GIANT croissants. Had to have one. Every bite was amazing!
Snack: 1 boiled egg
Dinner: an entire pizza minus one slice and french bread! Pigged out.

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