Saturday, September 29, 2012

Day 361 Air Popcorn Machine

Exercise: Missed spin class due to a work meeting. Haven't been to spin in so long. Sure miss it. I remember going several times a week last winter and Spring. Hope to do that again soon. 

Vince in the process of making us
salads for dinner. 
Vince pulled out his old air popper from storage. What fun it was! The idea is to make popcorn without any oil. Good idea since vegetable oil and canola oil has GMOs. We are going to try using grapeseed oil soon hoping that is healthy.
Vince popping our air popcorn. Quick, easy and fun!

Breakfast: 1 boiled egg, 1/4 cup oatmeal with milled flaxseed, green tea, frozen blueberries
2nd Breakfast: At a work event where breakfast was served: scrambled eggs and 2 sausage links, water, orange juice.Late Lunch: Ate out: chicken fajitas in tortillas with beans, few corn chips with salsaLate Dinner: salad, water

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