Saturday, September 22, 2012

Day 353 Burger Shack (Yes, Really...)

Exercise: Ran 1 mile and walked 2 miles at Memorial Park. Loving the drier weather!!  I find my legs are a bit sore after just running a mile at the park, yet I can run 3 miles on the tredmill at the gym with ease. Excited to get back into "outdoor" running shape. Guess I'll be running the 5K at the Firefly Run on November 3rd and not the 10K.

Breakfast: mult-grain bread with
cottage cheese, turkey bacon,
organic strawberries, green tea

Lunch: At a meeting off campus. Had a burger feast
and some fried sweet potato fries with some friends.
Can't say anything good about this meal.
I was amazed at how good the burger was!! Not amazed at the
bloating I felt afterward. Don't do this often, but I made the choice
to do so today.

Snacks: none. Forgot to pack them for my meeting! Probably why I made the horrible lunch choice.
Snack: after lunch I made it worse by getting a Starbucks Hot Chocolate.
Dinner: Healthy Salad with tuna, tomatoes, avacados and water.

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