Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Day 351: Librarian Makes Us Healthy Meal

Exercise: Went to Memorial Park this evening! Yay! Jogged 1.5 miles and walked 1.5 miles.

Little humidity and lower temperatures made for an exceptional feeling at the park this evening! Sun was setting as I finished and I had a spring in my step. How I have missed the park! It was more crowded than I ever. Took me 20 minutes to find a parking spot. Drove around the 3 mile perimeter for a while. Everyone wanted to enjoy the great outdoors today.

My friend Karen, the librarian, made a HEALTHY lunch for our entire school staff today. We promote healthy eating at our school for teachers and students and she is a huge promoter of this. We had our first Health and Wellness Night for parents and community last year and are planning another.

Lunch: Salad toppings. Sprouts, cucumbers, broccoli, zucchini and
squash, mushrooms, cheese, tomatoes

Lunch: lettuce for salad

bean/corn/onion dip or on the side

Karen had so much left over food that she shared it. I was able to take some salad home and make it for Vince and I for dinner. Thanks Karen!

Breakfast: 1 boiled egg, 1/4 cup oatmeal, green tea, frozen blueberries.
Snack: apples, carrots, water, bread stick, chocolate cookie
Lunch: see photo, water
Dinner: salad, water
Snack: peanut butter sandwich, cottage cheese, water

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