Thursday, September 27, 2012

Day 358 Eat Sprouted Bread

Thursday's Blog

Exercise: Ran/Walked 3 miles at Memorial Park this evening.

I've discovered sprouted bread! Read about the benefits of eating Sprouted Bread.

One slice of bread as a snack...on the go.
Breakfast: 1 boiled egg, 1/4 cup oatmeal, frozen blueberries, green tea
Snack: none today...busy
Lunch: 1/2 salmon, sweet potato, zucchini, water
Snack: Can't remember what I ate yesterday.  : (
Dinner: See below.
So busy tonight and no time to cook dinner. I hate eating chips,
but Vince had some organic corn chips. You know I'm worried about
all the GMOs in corn, but Vince claims organic corn isn't as bad. 

I was also worried about the canola oil,
but Vince said since it is organic,
it won't be bad. Hmmmm, need to
do some research on all this.

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