Sunday, September 2, 2012

Day 334: The BUTT BLASTER & My Tuna Pizza Recipe

Exercise: Ran  a 5K at the gym. Ran 3 miles and walked .25. Did leg and back weights for 30 minutes. My legs are sore from doing lunges yesterday so it was hard to do.
Discovered the Butt Blaster machine and plan to do it 2 times per week!

Your torso goes on the middle platform. Your heel presses up on the part on the right side.
 We bought some great glutten free pizza crusts from Whole Foods. Threw on low sugar tomato sauce, lots of spinach leaves, zucchini, squash, mushrooms, orange and yellow peppers, red onion, fetta cheese, little basil and oregano, garlic salt and topped it with tuna chunks. Sounds strange to add tuna, but it was delicious. Avacado on the side and some water. YUM!!
The best homemade pizza!

Breakfast: 2 eggs mixed with zucchini, squach, mushrooms and peppers.
Sort of sounds like the pizza we ate for lunch.  : )  Grapes too.

Snack: cottage cheese

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