Sunday, September 2, 2012

Day 333 My YouTube Video

Exercise: None. So tired after the first week of school.

This morning I gave a speech to the RICH club (realty investment club of Houston) to promote out Toastmasters group that is within the RICH club. We really need more members. If you are in Houston and interested, here is the information of what Toastmasters can do for you in my video. I still get nervous and look at my notes too often when giving speeches, but that is why I am in improve.
My Youtube video

The group I gave the speech to. Not too big of an audience this time. Whew.

After our RICH meeting, Vince and I decided to eat out for lunch. You know where we went! We went to eat fajitas. Quick stop at Escalantes Mexican Restaurant. Split fajitas for one. Got the veggies and beans with it. Not healthy.  : ( Then I basically vegged out on the couch watching a movie in the evening. A very scary movie I might add! We saw The Fourth Dimension and it kept me up at night!

Late Lunch

Breakfast: 1 egg, 1/4 cup oatmeal, frozen, blueberries, green tea.
Snack: Starbucks hot chocolate, no whip
Lunch: See above
Dinner: 1/2 peanut butter sandwich, popcorn made on the stove with spices, water, pineapple

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