Monday, September 24, 2012

Day 356

Exercise: About to go do weights at the gym or jog at Memorial Park.

Vince was making us salads when
I got home from work.  : )


What I call hurricane food! You know...when the electricity
goes out and you are stuck for days doing nothing in
the dark. What do you eat? Packaged peanut butter
and crackers of course! I pass these out during work meetings
and couldn't resist myself today. Hungry. 

Plum and cottage cheese (part of lunch)
Breakfast: 1 free range organic brown boiled egg, frozen blueberries, steel cut oatmeal, green tea
Snack: organic pear, water, 1 carrot
Lunch: leftovers: gluten free pasta with seaweed, organic broccoli, (the bad GMO squash), mushrooms, lowfat cottage cheese, organic plum
Snack: orange packaged crackers!! Ahhhhh total GMO food!
Dinner: Salad and corn tortilla with egg white and turkey bacon

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