Friday, September 7, 2012

Day 339 The Galleria

Exercise: None and ate poorly as well. Sort of bummed about that. 

Today I had a meeting off campus so we ate out for lunch. Went to Sweet Tomatoes. Tried my best to eat healthy. Ended up getting that chocolate brownie that always tempts me there. A colleague got some warm bread that looked delicious so I had to try it and couldn't stop eating it. I lost my will power because my routine was changed. I didn't have the water or healthy fruit snacks I am accustomed to eating before lunch.

Vince and I went to the Galleria tonight. I had secret plans to surprise him and take him ice-skating. I shoved our socks in my purse for the fun event. We arrived only to find the ice-skating rink had been turned into a fashion show event! There went my surprise. We hope to be able to go to the rink at a different mall tomorrow and try out some ice-skating. Will be nice to get out of the heat!

salad with broccoli, olives, spinach leaves,
tomatoes, garbonzo beans, cauliflower,
muchrooms, water, chili on the side.

Chocolate brownie and 3 small
pieces of bread with BUTTER!
Quesadillas that Vince and I shared.

Few chips and salsa

Breakfast: 1 boiled egg, 1/4 oatmeal with flax and coconut milk, pineapple, green tea
Lunch: See pic above
Snack: pineapple
Dinner: chicken, broccoli, water

1 comment:

  1. Caught a talk show the other day...the mom puts spinach in her brownie recipe so her kids get their vegetables!! ~just sayin~!~lorraine
