Sunday, September 23, 2012

Day 355 Trader Joe's: No More GMOs!

Exercise: none today

My last blog entry mentions genetically modified foods and how they can negatively affect you and your family in horrible ways without you even knowing it. After learning about GMOs, Vince and I have decided to do our best to go 100% organic. It can cost an arm and a leg so we are also going to look into growing our own foods for consumption. Keep in mind that SEEDS too are GMOs so you need to purchase seeds that are not genetically modified.

Trader Joe's Store opened up just a couple days ago so we tried it out today. They have a lot of organic food. We found we get better deals purchasing organic food at Costco for the price, but did come away with some items. It is a neat place to visit. A must see.

My first visit to Trader Joe's.
Usually buy the coconut milk
in bulk at Costco. Not my fav, but
found organic, vanilla coconut
milk at Trader Joe's. No GMOs!

All the aisles were packed! Insane.
Difficult to shop and a bit frustrating.
Come with patience.

Didn't buy this, but notice it states
the chicken is free from hormones.
This is the kind of stuff you need to
look for.

Dark leafy greens. Wish they had this
at Costco. Too expensive at Trader Joe's.

Breakfast: left over sqaush (the GMO
bad kind!!), eggs and mushrooms,
frozen blueberries, green tea

Dark leafy greens, avacado, red and
yellow bell peppers, 1/2 carrot, purple
cabbage, cumumber, wild caught
fish, olive oil and spices.

Have no idea if Pollock is good for
you, but the price was good for it
being Wild C

Organic Pears.

Organic strawberries. Yum!

Won't be buying RiceMilk any longer. Laying off on the rice
since the news.

Dinner: gluten free organic pasta with seaweed, organic broccoli,
squash, mushrooms. water, orange

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