Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Day 343 Calabaza Squash Recipe

Exercise: Would you believe I'm still feeling sick!!?? Tired of not being able to work out!

The grocery store was out of my regular zucchini. I noticed something called calabaza squash that looked similar so I bought it. Mixed it in my eggs this morning and it was great. Here is a chicken recipe with it I may try at a later date. Looks good and healthy, except I wouldn't do the rice.
Calabaza Chicken Recipe.  Below you see the squash.

 Breakfast: scrambled eggs mixed with calabaza squash in 2 corn tortillas, frozen blueberries, green tea, 1/2 cup of unsweetened cocoa in warm coconut milk. (missing my vanilla soy milk!!)
Snack: organic apple slices
Lunch: 1/2 wild salmon, mixture of corn, peppers, onion, tomato on top, broccoli, grapes, water
Snack: 1 carrot, water
Dinner: salad with radishes, bok choy, mixed leafy greens, avacado, tomato, green onion, orange and red bell peppers, spices, olive oil, apple cider vinegar, water (not really hungry today)
Snack: unsweetened cocoa again in coconut milk. My chocolate fix!

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