Thursday, September 6, 2012

Day 338 Healthy Eating Day

Exercise: None. (had a 2 hour appt. after work and then crashed on the couch and watched a movie with Vince)  Pretty sore from all the weight training yesterday. Loving it!! That butt blaster machine is great!

Let it be known that I passed up sliced of cake that was offered to me today! Sugar is the enemy!

Packing my lunch for work: salad with tuna, apples, carrots, almonds,
1/2 peanut butter sandwich for after work, water
 Breakfast: 1 boiled egg, 1/4 cup oatmeal, green tea (no time for fruit this morning)
Snack:apples, carrots
Lunch: salad with sundried tomatoes, mixed greens, cucumbers, radishes, orange and red bell peppers, feta cheese, olive oil and spices, tuna fish, water
Snack:1/2 peanut butter sandwich
Dinner: Subway sandwich (no time to cook): spinach leaves, tomatoes, cucumbers, pepperjack cheese, red onion, olives, green bell peppers, banana peppers, slither of mayo, olive oil and vinegar, water

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