Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Day 350 I'm Back People!! : )

Exercise: Arm weights and abs. Jump rope and leg lifts. (easing back into things)

I'm back people!! Feel 95% better today! After 11 days of feeling "not myself" it is nice to be back on track. Vince thought I had the West Nile Virus, but I think it may have been allergies and the rain finally washed all that "super" pollen away. Did you hear they are calling it Super Pollen? No headache today and don't feel like I have to lie down.

We had parent night at work this evening so I didn't get to jog at the park as I had hoped, but did get some weights in. I can't wait to go to the park tomorrow.  I'm already daydreaming about tomorrow's run!!! The weather is in the high 80s after work so I may go then. Sure beats high 90s. I wish I had enough will power to run at 5:30am. It would be nice and cool then, although dark and spooky. I know lots of people do it. Doesn't seem to safe to me.

Breakfast: boiled egg, 1/4 oatmeal, green tea
Snack: spicy dried peas, plum, water
Lunch: 1/2 salmon, red potatoes, green beans, water, 1/2 of a friends white bread
Snack: watermelon
Dinner: large salad with mixed leafy greens, bok choy, tomatoes, cucumber, red onion, carrot, feta cheese, purple cabbage, olive oil, apple cider vinegar, side of zucchini, water

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