Saturday, September 8, 2012

Day 340 Won Speech Contest

Exercise:  None.

Bragging a bit I suppose.  : )
Had our Area Toastmasters Speech Contest. Got second place "Evaluators" trophy. I was one of the evaluator contestants that evaluated one of the speakers. Only first place moves on to the third speech contest, but I learned a lot today and had a great experience. It was a bit difficult for me because my notes were taken away! Evaluators are allowed to take notes during the speaker's presentation. After the speaker presents, the evaluators leave the room. We are given a paper where we can transfer any of our notes for 5 mintues. We gather our thoughts, organize our speech etc. Then the paper is taken away!! Each evaluator is allowed back into the room one at a time to give their speech. In the meantime, I was trying to remember all that I wrote down and what I wanted to say while pacing the floor behind closed doors. At your turn, you are given your notes back. For me, my notes were obsolete, because what was now swirling in my head to remember was quite different from what I initially wrote in my notes. So I didn't use the notes and forgot some great points I really wanted to make. You always come away with self-improvement, confidence building and a great experience so I loved it.  It really helps me to feel better when speaking in front of a group at work and elsewhere. This is why I participate in better my public speaking and leadership skills. Give it a try! You might really enjoy it. Toastmasters is worldwide.

Toastmaster Evaluation Speech Winners and other functionaries

Vince and I
So you will notice a lot of SUGARY DESSERTS lately! I only have about 25 days of my blog left and I'm making bad choices. This is certainly not the time to digress! Worked too hard for almost a year to lose the 10+ pounds and eat healthy. I must say, keeping a log of everything I put in my mouth really helped to change my diet. Get off track every now and then as you can see from recent pics. Time to get back on track and cook more and time to stop eating out at restaurants again. Have a bit of a sore throat today, which is very unusual. Taking it easy and resting up today instead of exercising.

Spicey chicken Tacos at Ruggles Green Restaurant

Brownie with side of vanilla bean ice-cream from
Ruggles Green Restaurant.
Ruggles had a lot of gluten free selections that Vince
can select from. Shared the dessert with Vince today.
Felt lightheaded and a bit dizzy afterwards. Must be
from too much sugar! Also, didn't have my regular
large breakfast today and had snacks at the Toastmasters even
such as granola bars and some lemonade drink. Too much
sugar today. Not used to that anymore.

Homemade soup. Yum!

Breakfast: 1 boiled egg, green tea
Snack: granola bar with chocolate chunks, lemonade drink
Lunch: chicken tacos with spicey chicken, yellow and red bell peppers, red onions, cilantro, greens, water
Snack: rice milk with unsweetened cocoa
Dinner: homemade soup: chicken broth, water, mixed beans and lentils, cabbage, carrots, red potatoes, broccoli, wontons stuffed with chicken, spices: cumin, garlic powder, oregano, salt

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