Exercise: None. Wanted to get out and do something today, but had a morning work-related function, ate out with Vince and then slept almost 4 hours! Where did the day go??
Looks healthy, but WAIT!! Is it slowly killing us? Read below to find out more!
Answer at the bottom! |
I watched a video tonight and learned all about genetically modified foods. I was astounded at the potential of these genetically modified foods (GMOs) being a cause of allergies, disease, birth defects, intestinal issues, cancers. It sparked a huge interest in me to research this. This is straight from one website I found and it may capture your interest:
Q: Are we eating GM food?
A: GM soya is in about 60 percent of all processed food as vegetable oil, soya flour, lecithin and soya protein. GM maize is in about 50 percent of processed foods as corn, corn starch, cornflour and corn syrup. GM tomato puree is sold in some supermarkets and GM enzymes are used throughout the food processing industry. Government regulations on labelling exclude 95-98 percent of the products containing GM ingredients because they ignore derivatives. (from:
http://www.saynotogmos.org/) I have not had a chance to look at the entire website, but a lot of it has caught my attention.
I'll try to post the video I viewed tomorrow if I am able to. It is over an hour and quite intense.
Pesticides, including Roundup Weed Killer is a major issue as well. Details later...getting late.
These are the 9 crops you want to avoid or
buy only organic. According to the video, they are all genetically engineered and can cause havoc to the intestinal system in some people and much more. Stay away from soy too!! I had no idea and implemented it in my diet so often this past year!! Horrified.
1. Soy (keep in mind this is in baby formula and some vitamins too! 2. Corn! 3. Cottenseed (for oil) 4. Canola (for oil) 5. Sugar Beets (for sugar) 6. Papaya (Hawaiian) 7. Zucchini! 8. Yellow Crookneck squash ( I had this for breakfast and dinner today!!)
9. Alfalfa (for hay).
Keep in mind....cows, pigs, and chickens all eat this bad corn. Then we eat them. This is huge and will require a lot of research. I work in a school and have done so since 1994. I've seen a huge increase in students with allergies to foods, learning issues, autism, and more. Ever wonder if there is a connection to food. How about genetically altered foods?
End goal to keep in mind is to go organic. I made what I thought was an excellent dinner tonight, but now I have to rethink it. I threw the corn away that we had in our pantry. Organic will be more expensive for sure. Need to figure out where we can cut costs to afford going ALL organic. Go organic! Skip eating poison.
I'm smiling BEFORE I knew about GMO!
Vince and I decided to eat out for lunch today.
Went to Mi Luna, which was one of my favorite
places when we used to eat out more often.
Ordered my favorite chicken croquettes with
safron rice. Fried...totally a heart attack item! |
Tried something different. Clams. Okay I suppose. |
Mi Luna is a Tappas Bar, meaning you get small appatizers
as your meals and share. You just order a bunch from the menu at one time. Pretty fun. Here is a goat cheese basil small pizza to share. |
I Finally tried the new recipe that I listed in the blog earlier in the week. Calabaza Con Pollo (Squash with Chicken). It was delicious, but there was a major problem!!
yellow onion, yellow squash,
calabaza squash, tomato |
Saute all and then add spices:
3 tbs cumin, 3 tbs, garlic salt,
2 tsb black pepper.
Add in 8 onces of tomato
sauce. We were out so I used
canned chopped tomatoes. |
Add in 2 cups organic chicken
broth and cubed chicken. Then
simmer all for 20 minutes. |
Threw this out instead of adding it to our soup!! |
Can this slowly kill us? Maybe. It was made with GMO squash and possibly chicken! We will have to purchase ALL organic from now on. Say no to GMO foods! We need to get involved so
the government will label our foods GMOs! |