Thursday, May 24, 2012

Day 234 Subway Sandwich Stats

Exercise: None, fell asleep instead. Rats! Wanted to go to Spin class, but my legs are so sore from the weights yesterday. Should have at least gone for a walk.

I'm excited to report that I made a good choice while hungry! Starving after work and didn't have food with me or prepared at home. I knew I was going to pick something up to eat. I wanted a Whataburger! I could just taste it. Decided to take the high road and choose a Subway sandwich instead. If I have to eat out, I need to learn to make healthy selections. Here are some stats on the subway sandwiches. Better than a 800 calorie Whataburger!

Breakfast: boiled egg, 1/4 cup oatmeal, green tea
Snack: apples
Snack: 2 cookies the libarian made at work!
Lunch: peanut butter sandwich
Snack: popcorn, regular hot chocolate( the package kind with sugar) in water. Gross really!
Early Dinner: Grabbed a Subway on the way home: chicken, lettuce, tomaoto, cumumber, banana peppers, olives, pepper jack cheese, small amount of mayo, salt and pepper on 9 grain bread.
Snack: few wontons (garlic chicken inside), water
Snack: 1/2 cup vanilla soy milk and a few walnuts before bed.

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