Sunday, May 20, 2012

Day 230 Reverted Back To The Old Days

Exercise: Walked 3 miles at Memorial Park...well, I'm about to go actually.

Mistake #1: Went to the grocery store HUNGRY! Bought biscuts (the big ones), bacon and cheese. Decided that would be my dinner. My stomach was larger than my Will.   : (
I'll admit, before I met my husband, this is how I ate most of the time and didn't think anything of it. Nuts!
My dinner was full of transfats and processed foods. Have I become too paranoid about what I eat? I think my hubby has, but maybe I'm the same way. Hmm.

Easy when you buy frozen berries
in bulk from Costco. I do miss
the fresh ones sometimes.


Dinner + one plain biscut. I love
biscuts! Was quite hard to
give up. Can't believe I ate some.
It has been sooooo long.

This is what I made for my husband for dinner. Lean turkey
meat mixed with garlic and tomato salsa, orange peppers over a sweet potato,broccoli and greenbeans, lettuce and tomato. He won't eat

Breakfast: 1 boiled egg, 1/4 cup oatmeal, green tea, raspberries and blueberries.
Snack: unsweetened cocoa in vanilla soy milk with a dash of vanilla extract
Lunch: broccoli, chicken, quinoa and brown rice mixture, water
Dinner: 4 biscuts with 1 egg, turkey bacon strips and cheese, water
Snack: plan to have some watermelon tonight.

My mantra...I will do weights tomorrow...I will do weights tomorrow...I will do weights tomorrow!!!

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