Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Day 232 Biscut Attack!

Exercise: None. Went to bed at almost 2am. Very tired today. Took a very long nap this evening.

This is the reason I do not normally buy things like biscuts! I WILL eat them all or at odd times! So I was up very late last night (or morning I should say) and became hungry. Scurried to the fridge and ate the biscuts I made the other day. (If you recall, I was starving at the grocery store and bought them. No will power). This is actually a picture from a previous day. I just ate biscuts last night...no bacon and cheese in them.

Breakfast: 1 boiled egg, 1/4 cup oatmeal w/walnuts and flax, green tea
Snack: granola bar
Lunch: peanut butter sandwich, 1/2 ham sandwich, unsweetened cocoa in vanilla soy milk
Snack: large cookie from work.
Dinner: chicken, veggies, sweet potato, water
Snack: cereal, few dried tart cherries, water

1am!  : (

Vince made me a special oatmeal today because I woke up
late! I think he put in some ground flax and walnuts.

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