Tuesday, May 29, 2012

239 Lifting Weights: Week 2

Exercise: Weights at the gym. Really working on using free weights for my legs. Lots of squats, lunges, stepping, calf lifts and ab work. etc. Also walked/jogged one mile on the tredmill.

Excited about lifting weights. Already beginning to feel the soreness in my legs just after a few hours. Need to figure out why I get soreness and my husband doesn't. Lactic acid? How do I avoid that? About to stretch soon. Really focusing on lifting weights with areas of my body that I haven't done much work on...ie: inner thigh, toosh, calves, hamstings. Gonna get rid of the fat.

After our Toastmasters group tonight our group visited at Fuzzy's Pizza. How do you not eat pizza there!? So I had one cheese pizza slice and water. I know that will come back to haunt me. It is like canceling out all the weights that I did.

Breakfast: 1 boiled egg, 1/4 cup oatmeal, green tea
Snack: blueberries
Lunch: chicken, glutten free pasta with some zucchini and black olives, broccoli, water
Snack: oreo cookies from my office for meetings! RATS!
Dinner: salmon patty, greenbeans and corn, mixed leafy greens with tomato, black olives and a bit of fetta cheese, water, wontons
Dinner 2: cheese pizza slice

Dinner #1

Wontons: I'm obsessed with them. Asian pasta with chicken.
Whatever Asian pasta is???

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