Sunday, May 27, 2012

Day 237 Corpus Christi, Texas

Exercise: If you can count walking around the Bayfront for hours.

Visited the family in Corpus Christi, Texas. Enjoyed the ferry ride near the harbor bridge, shoreline walks, shrimp boats, pelicans, and other attractions. Tried real hard not to eat out, but did enjoy a snowcone and Vince ate a giant pickle. Yuck. Here are some pics of our adventure.

Mom and I walking on the T-heads

Attack of the birds!

Vince relaxing near shore.

The USS Lexinton

Harbor Bridge in background. On the way to the
Texas State Aquarium


600 calorie treat in the evening at Starbucks.
Can you believe I did that.
Brownie: 400 calories
Tall Hot Chocolate 200+ calories
I'm embarrassed!

Breakfast: 1 boiled egg, 1/4 cup oatmeal with blueberries and few walnuts, green tea, unsweetened cocoa in vanilla soymilk, 1 strawberry.
Snack: few peanuts
Lunch/Early Dinner

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