Sunday, May 13, 2012

Day 223 Our Wonton Meal. Must Try It!!

Exercise: Walked 3 miles at Memorial Park today. (still resting my knee a bit so not running). Want to jog so bad!

Somehow after eating that burger yesterday I still weigh 129. Might be because we ate early around 4:30pm and I was so full that I didn't eat after that. I do have a tendancy to eat late night snacks. I think I just discoverd what gives me a poochy stomach....late snacks. On the other hand, I cannot go to bed hungry. I seem to need to eat a late snack. Maybe I just need to eat more burgers! Ha..LOL  : )

Try this great meal below! We loved it. 
This was one of the tastiest meals I've made. Healthy too!

Ingredients: mixture of quinoa and
brown rice, chicken and garlic won-tons from
frozen section in Costco.

Ingredients: lightly saute yellow and orange bell pepper,
kale and mushrooms. Add garlic salt, peper and salt.
Heat broccoli and mixed veggies in mircowave
in a little water and olive oil. Mix all together. Super easy!!

Cantaloupe wedge. I just love the way my hubby slices these so I can bend them and eat them easily! Then he wraps them in plastic wrap so I can grab and go in the morning.

Breakfast: 1 boiled egg and mixed leafy greens in a corn tortilla, green tea
Snack: Free McDonalds fruit and nut oatmeal on way back from church
Snack: couple of samples from Costco: 3 wontons, taste of yogurt, bite of gross crispy rice thing
Lunch: wonton meal seen above
Snack: wedge of cantaloupe and about to have soy vanilla milk with cocoa.
Dinner: TBA  (to be announced later)

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