Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Day 238 On The Road Back To Houston

Exercise: None : (
Back from out of town. SLUGGISH! Thinking about all I need to do to get ready for work for the last week of school. The kids and teachers have one more week. I have 3 more weeks and then I tutor during the summer. Actually sitting on the couch right now contemplating doing weights at the gym or walking at the park. Hoping I do one of them! The food I ate today is wearing me down! I know I will feel better if I burn some calories and work out. Okay...I'm doing it! Gosh, it is like pulling teeth today! Come on Trish...get a grip..get up! Yes, I'm getting up now. LATER: (okay..I got up, but didn't exercise).

Breakfast: 1 boiled egg, 1/4 oatmeal with walnuts and blueberries, green tea
Snack: on the road: egg taco with potatoes in white flour tortilla, water
Lunch: on the road: sausage, potato salad, green beans with bacon, slice of bread, water
Dinner: corn tortilla with egg and cheese, water
Late Night Snack: popcorn popped on the stove, peanut butter sandwich.

Egg and potato taco from Whataburger...on the road. Artery clogging food!

BBQ place on the road back to Houston.
You know sausage will clog your heart!
Do I even care when I'm hungry??
How does one get over that?

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